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Jason Murray
Né àIllinois
32 years
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Les Mémoires
Christie and Marissa
Well todays memory is not easy for me, Our puppy  Macy died Monday morning from tetnus after having her spayed and I took it really hard until Marissa came to me and said not to be sad because her dad would take care of her (Macy) in heaven and that at least they were together, Macy loved Jason when he came over...she would just run up to him and love all over him like he was someone she saw everyday. I have to believe whether it is acurate or not that when she died she did just that...ran to her friend that I know will keep her safe and loved because if there are animals in heaven when Jason saw her coming he grabbed her up because he would have known that his daughter loved her SO much.
Man Jason wanna hear something scary. Colton sprayed some carbeurator cleaner in his mouth tonight. He was crying and screaming. The can said could cause blindness or death. We were soooo scared. John and I ran him next door to your mom. Is that funny or what. First and only thing to think of was take him to grandma. John rinsed his mouth out while I was on the phone to Poison Control. After he got his mouth rinsed, Colton comes running in hollering Im ok mom Im ok. We are so thankful he's fine but what a horrible thought.
Jason, today was the baby shower for little Madison Harmon. I reminded them that Madison was a good name. Girl or boy. Its a family name. They had a nice shower. Your mom wasnt there, Rose or Vicki. Tyler is having a hard time with that poor leg of his. Im betting he doesnt think its his good leg anymore. Hopefully he will be better soon.
John always said that his best friends were his dad and his brother. He loved you so much. And until I came around, he even lived with you. But as happy as he was living with you, he is also happy here. And Im thankful to you for taking care of him until I could have him. For some reason in all the talk, one perticular holiday mainly, it made me think of the times we came up for church. We couldnt wait to get up here, because all his family was here and he was excited. You guys used to have family gatherings that seemed so great.  He really misses you. The other day your dad started teaching John to play the guitar. John picked it back up yesterday with a little interest. And even though he wasnt playing much, it is nice to see it. I think it makes him feel closer to you. I hope he keeps it up. You will be able to hear him all the way up there im sure. Love ya Jason.

I found this poem and thought I would share.

One song can spark a moment,

One flower can wake the dream.

One tree can start a forest,

One bird can herald spring.

One smile begins a friendship,

One handclasp lifts a soul.

One star can guide a ship at sea,

One word can frame the goal.

One vote can change a nation,

One sunbeam lights a room.

One candle wipes out darkness,

One laugh will conquer gloom.

One step must start each journey,

One word must start each prayer.

One hope will raise our spirits,

One touch can show you care.

One voice can speak with wisdom,

One heart can know what's true,

One life can make the difference,

You see, it's up to you!

When John picks up Raven from school in the afternoons, they go over across the Levee to what they call "their spot" and throw rocks in the water. We all drove over today so I could catch some pictures and see what all the excitement is all about. After one of their days at "their spot", they came home just in time for dinner and Raven announces that dad is sitting beside her at the table. They were buddy's. That is something they do together and it makes her day. I know you had times with your kids like this, when they thought you were the world. I feel lucky to have John. He is wonderful to All my kids and Im glad Raven gets to be part of that. He's such a good father, as I know you were also. It makes the world of difference to just spend a little time one on one with your kids and they always get so excited like they have just won a prize. Im sorry that your kids wont have that with you anymore. I know they must miss it so much.
John and Brenda
Jason, We know you are in heaven with our babies that the Lord took home so much sooner than expected. You already know whether they were boys or girls. You already know their names. Take care of them as we know you are. We wonder sometimes if they were sent their to welcome you in Heaven also. Love John and Brenda
John and Brenda
Today is Camryns birthday. We had a busy day. Scott and Jennifer came over and we took the kids to Cape to the mall. We know you loved the mall in Cape. We all had a nice time but John and Scott thought they were gonna get mugged. Some guys wanted our purses. LOL. The kids rode the carousel. We got home at 11 and the kids and John are wore plumb out. My sister has been having problems and calls me alot. 3 months ago, I wouldnt have worried so much for her but now, its almost my number one priority, seeing John so lost without you, it makes me want to take care of my sister while I can. You never think about things so much until something like this happens and then its like a total reality check for us. We think about you often and even talk about you some. Christy, Marissa and Megan came over for awhile earlier and we had a nice time. Christy likes telling us stories about you and it is really nice to hear some. Its good to hear the good things about you so often. I hope they come around alot more. We had a good visit with them today. Well, talk to you more later. Keep your arms around your family tonight.
Jason, I took this picture to walmart today and had it brightened up a bit and put a border around it. The border says "family memories". It looks nice, and John really likes it. He misses you. Love, Brenda
The trip to Marmaduke looking for a trailer for someone was John and I. We were going to put it back behind Jason's, remember? We found some really crappy trailers. Man, were they all horrible. Nothing under about 20,000 was worth a crap. It was sooooo hot that day. All we had at the time was Raven. John had his red Olds Achieva. We were not even married yet. The air had gone almost completely out in the thing, and we had to tape a cracker box up to the air hole to give Raven some air. That was a horrible day. Anything that was gonna go wrong did. Ida and I took the kids to her house and waited on John and Jason to call. When they did, and we came to get them, I couldnt find the place they were at. It took about 4 times up and down the highway and John and Kyle acting crazy waving their arms for us to even see them. We decided not to buy a trailer and put it in Doniphan. Instead we moved to Success.
John and Brenda
Just thought you would like another player in Heaven. Have a great time up there way beyond the clouds!!!
Jason, I got an email today. John and I have been invited to Las Vegas to the Riviera Hotel and to a banquet to be the next poet of the year and for a medal all for the poem I have written about you. Man, wouldnt you be excited. John says it will be alot of fun. Just thought we would share this with you. I think its great.
John and I planted some rose bushes for you today in the yard. The "bushes" are red and pink. They are a symbol of the trueness of who you were and still are. They are a true sign of beauty which is what you are. A beautiful person. You always deserved the very best out of people. We planted those "bushes" in the backyard where they can stand tall and firm and grow to be beautiful just like you. John had went and bought a few memorials for you to put in the cemetery but after the way things have gone, thought better of it. Instead, we decided to put them out with the "bushes." We have a waterfall, (minus the water at the moment, its not finished) built out there with the "bushes" circling them. We need to buy one more to finish it. We have a pink and a red. We will probably try to find white ones too. We have not decided whether or not to plant a tree out there, because our "bushes" need sunlight most of the day, we are thinking against it. But it will be very beautiful when it is all finished. There is a big hole in the hearts of your family and we are trying to build a little memorial that they can go to whenever their hearts are heavy. Well, they can always pitch a tent and camp out if they need to. We had visitors today. Josh and his fiance' came out to invite us to the baby shower on the 22nd. They are just about ready for their baby. Boy are they excited. They have already chosen the name for her. And guess what, its "Madison". How ironic huh. I think its a great name for them.
John and Brenda
John and I have been staying home alot. We've not seen much of anyone except his mom and dad. Of course Aunt Jill, grandma, Michael and Joey came over for the girls birthday but they are always great to be around. We seen your kids yesterday. They came over and played a bit.  It took Tyler about 2 minutes to be over and on the trampoline. They had a good time. We miss the kids alot. And Love them very much.
Happy Easter Jason. I changed the picture on the front of the website. It is my very alltime favorite picture. It is of my wonderful husband and brother in law at a birthday party we had for the girls a few years back in Batesville Ark. The picture isnt very close up on here, but it is a beautiful picture. I remember John was so excited that you were coming down. After the party we all went out to eat. We had a great time. The river and waterfall was very beautiful. But as usual in late March early April, it was very windy. Today Scott and Jennifer came over and we all went to church and had an easter egg hunt. Then we came home and had another. We had a prize egg that said "Happy Easter Jason". And we cooked out. John has done so much cooking the past two days/lol/ he probably wont want to do it again for awhile. We had a nice time and Marissa and Christi came over as did Miranda and Tyler for a bit. Marissa HAD to show her mom how to do a front flip on the trampoline. They are soo funny. Everyone is beat. We are going to bed. Nite Jason
Happy Easter Jason. Yours is the best Easter ever!! Being up there in Heaven. Today Jennifer Brandon and Cory came over, my dad and stepmom. We went down to the park and had an easter egg hunt. The kids won little prizes and got to see the easter bunny. They had a good time but it was sooo cold. The wind was freezin. After the easter egg hunt, we came back home and John started the grill. My mom came, and my brother. My cousin and his wife and another cousin of mine with a total between the two of 10 more kids. A HOUSE FULL! A few of Ravens friends from school and guess who else showed up? Michael, Amanda, Grandma, Jill and Joey. For the girls birthday party. What a tiring day. The last one to leave was at 9:30 tonight. Jill and grandma. Amanda brought their wedding pictures. We had a great time. It was soooo loud in here, grandma said she thought she was at the wrong place there for a minute. Tomorrow Scott and Jennifer are coming back to go to church with us and have another easter egg hunt. We dyed eggs today and the prize egg has your name on it. Thank you for Christi and Marissa and for their beautiful poem. They are really sweet. Happy Easter to you Jason.
Jason, I was remembering one time John and I was at your house. Noone else was there. They had all went and stayed the night with someone and Im not sure where our kids were. It was a nice night, with a good cool breeze out. John and I were sitting out on your steps talking. The sun hadnt quite gone down but it was starting to get dark. You came out and we somehow started talking about men and women working and it was so funny, you began giving this speech about being liberated and women burning bra's. It was a great night. We were out there, seemed like about all night just talking. It was one of the nice peaceful times we all shared. Just wanted to remember.
Jason's memory
There are men who make the world better just by being the kind of people they are. They have the gift of kindness or courage or loyalty or integrity. It really matters very little whether they are behind the wheel of a truck or running a business or bringing up a family. They teach the truth by living it.
For John and Donna


I loved you when you were just an idea, just a dream of future motherhood. I loved planning, wondering what you would look like. It was hard to imagine holding your tiny body, actually creating a little person. Yet I knew that someday you would become a reality, someday my dream of becoming a mother would come true.

     When that day came I felt I was dreaming. I couldn't believe you actually were. I rubbed my tummy and talked to you. I thought about your due date, the day that I would actually be able to look at you and hold you, to finally see what you look like, my little child. Everything I did, I did for you. Everything I ate, every meal I made, I thought of you, the tiny life that I was feeding.

     Your daddy and I planned your room, we picked out names. We already loved you. We couldnt wait to feel your miniature fingers squeezing our own. We looked forward to bathing your soft body, hearing your needy cries for us to nurture you.

     We looked forward to your first steps, your first words, your first day at school. We yearned to help you with your homework and to go to your baseball games. It was hard for me to imagine my little child calling the man I love "Daddy." These are the small things we saw in the future during those months that you were growing inside me. We loved you.    


To You Jason from me.


Jason, you were ever so brave

On January 31, when you took the Lord's hand

As he pulled you from your car

And led you to the Promised Land.


We know you felt no pain

for the Lord took that away

You were gone in an instant

Man, how we wish you could stay.


Nothing is ever the same anymore

We try to get through each day

And still feel your presence with us

More so at night when we pray.


Dedicated to you Jason Murray

Your favorite sister in law!!!

Hey Jason, guess what your dad brought us this morning? Yep, KRISPY KREME!!!! No, he didnt go all the way to St. Louis or even Springfield but they were still good. I remember the first time I had a Krispy Kreme Donut. I had never heard of them. You were driving the ambulance at the time and was on your way back from St. Louis and stopped and picked some up. Man, were they delicious.



The Lord God watch and care for you

With canopies of love;

Guiding your steps unerringly

With wisdom from above.

We know for certain thorns of life

Will always be somewhere;

Where thorns abound you're sure to find

Roses to prove God's care.

Two sides of life are constant, friend,

The bitter and the sweet;

The raindrops followed by the sun,

A time to laugh, to weep.

Closed doors seeminly impassable

Fling wide in glad surprise;

Where there's no way to look it's then

You look up to the skies.


God knows our frame, He's fashioned us

With heart and mind and soul;

He's given us abilities

With strength to reach our goal.

So, as you walk along in life

Reach out your hand and find

God's hand outstretched to grip your own

And He'll give you peace of mind.

                            ____Georgia B. Adams




One night a man had a dream

He dreamed he was walking along

the beach with the Lord.

Across the sky flashed scenes from

his life. For each scene,

he noticed two sets of footprints

in the sand; one belonging to him,

and the other to the Lord.

When the last scene of his life

flashed before him, he looked back at

the footprints in the sand.

He noticed that many times along

the path of his life there was only

one set of footprints.

He also noticed that it happened

at the very lowest and saddest times

of his life.

This really bothered him, and he

questioned the Lord about it.

"Lord, you said that once I decided

to follow you, you'd walk with me

all the way. But I have noticed that,

during the most troublesome times

of my life, there is only one set of

footprints. I don't understand

why, when I needed you most

you would leave me."

The Lord replied, "My precious,

precious child, I love you and I

would never leave you. During your

times of trial and suffering, when

you saw only one set of footprints,

it was then that I carried you."

Your brother and sister in law


God grant me the SERENITY

to accept the things I cannot change;

COURAGE to change the things I can;

and WISDOM to know the difference,

Living one day at a time;

Accepting hardships

as the pathway to peace;

Taking as He did, this sinful world

as it is, not as I would have it

Trusting that He will make all things

right if I surrender to His Will;

That I may be reasonably happy

in this life and supremely happy

with Him forever in the next.


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